「小池都知事とバッハIOC会長との会談で "under control"の検証が取り上げられなかったことに対する不満を表明する多くのメッセージが心ある市民から寄せられている」by村田光平/新井信介 「京の風」

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「小池都知事とバッハIOC会長との会談で "under control"の検証が取り上げられなかったことに対する不満を表明する多くのメッセージが心ある市民から寄せられている」by村田光平






お送りした10月18日付ケネディ大使宛メッセージ、新潟県知事選挙に関する所感に対し、 アジアの有力な元大臣からの熱烈な激励を頂いたことを紹介しました。
小池都知事とバッハIOC会長との会談で “under control”の検証が取り上げられなかったこと に対する不満を表明する多くのメッセージが心ある市民から寄せられていること に言及いたしました。
これを伝える下記サイトでは小泉元総理の発言(“under control”は嘘)とアーニー・ガンダーセン氏による東京のホット・スポットに関する報告が紹介されております。
Dear Friends,
I have received the following messsage from a friend,former Cabinet Minister of an important Asian country.
“I was really fascinated to read your message of 19 October regarding a possible end of nuclear reactors in Japan, especially after the election of the new Governor of Nigata........
I am afraid there is so little mentioned about Japan in our newspapers that I had not heard of the Toyosu fish market scandal and propose to look it up on the internet.  I had also not heard of the decommissioning of the high breed reactor in Monju.  There would also be more information about all this on the internet.......
May I just reiterate my enormous admiration of the persistence with which you are pursuing this cause?  I am sure your efforts will be crowned with victory and we might be able to save the planet Earth.”
I receive a lot of messages.Many concern the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020.The President of the IOC,Thomas Bach,met with theGovernor of Tokyo,Yuriko Koike on 18 October.The central issue was how to reduce the financial burden considered too heavy by the public.They avoided the crucial problem,the verification of the “under control”assertion.Conscientious citizens severely criticizes this.It is sad to
see the IOC continue to avoid responding to the increasing requirements for this verification.
I continue to send messages to world top leaders with a view to convincing them that Fukushima is a global environment issue.
I am sending you my message addressed to Ambassador Caroline Kenndy.I pointed out that the restart issue, the Toyosu fish market scandal and the Tokyo Olympic Games stem from the same root, greed and that I am convinced President Obama will be encouraged by the new development in Japan that is an important step toward his vision of denuclearization.
The policy of phasing out nuclear power by 2025 has been reconfirmed by the Taiwanese government,thus further deepening the change of the mainstream.
The international community will not allow the lessons of Fukushima to be totally forgotten.
A new petition regarding the Olympics has surfaced.
Please allow me to count on your understanding and support.
With warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
(Former Ambassador to Switzerland)


< 《明日・明後日は名古屋と大阪で「皆神塾」開催です!!》《レジメも出来上がりました!!》・・・ご来場お待ちしています!!  |  一覧へ戻る  |  【新井信介:2016年10月メッセージ<特別編>】(2016年10月23日収録) >
