2月7日、台湾で地震が起きた日。福島情勢の悪化。村田先生のメール。/新井信介 「京の風」

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添付のサイトで福島第一での放射能汚染につき警告を発したと報じられる著名なMycle Shneider氏より2月8日、下記のコメントが寄せられました。これの関する英文発信をお届け致します。福井の大雪、台湾での地震等々天災の恐ろしさを思い知らされつつありますが、放射能汚染水貯蔵タンクの崩壊が雪だるまのように海への流出の激増をもたらす可能性が指摘されております。また、汚染水の除染から生ずる大量のヘドロの処置、厳しい気象への対応振り等に言及しております。
Dear Friends,
I am sending you a message sent to me from Mr.Mycle Shneider,who is quoted in the article of The Independent,shown in the attached site,
as warning against the serious deterioration of the situation at the Fukushima Daiichi.
He calls upon the imternational community to be involved in the development of long-term problem-solving strategies,the challenge of the situation exceeding Japan’s capacity.
It goes without saying that the ongoing Fukushima crisis deserves  greater attention and involvement of the international civil society.
Please allow me to count on your understanding and support.
Mitsuhei Murata
Former Ambassador to Switzerland
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2018 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: fukushima: massive radiation leak
Dear Mitsuhei,
thank you for your message. I can hardly comment on this as I’m already quoted in the original piece by The Independent.
However, while they did not misquote me, I think they have overblown the headline (as media do quite often).
I tried to make the point that a lot of the waste management on-site remains sketchy at best. This does not only concern the contaminated water, but specifically also the highly radioactive sludges that stem from the decontamination of water. Where are they? How are they conditioned? What will happen to them in case of severe weather events? This is part of the forgotten unsolved issues and a potential disaster to happen.
Concerning the hundreds of thousands of tanks—many of them still make-shift tanks that were not built to contain radioactive water in a salt-saturated atmosphere for years—I’m worried about a potential snow-balling effect, if even one of them collapses. This could release a large quantity of contaminated water to the environment in an uncontrolled manner. It could also mix with highly contaminated water in the basements and reach the ocean. As the ocean has no borders, it would have a global effect. This does not mean global apocalypse, but an effect that is not limited to Japan or its domestic waters.
The unprecedented complexity of disaster management of three molten reactor cores that will need to be cooled for decades far exceeds the capacity of a company like TEPCO that, as the name indicates, is a simple power generating company with no particular expertise in post-accident management.
 The challenge of the situation also exceeds Japan’s capacity to deal with the problem and it is part of the responsibility of the international community to pro-actively search for involvement into the development of long-term problem-solving strategies.
I have said this immediately after 3/11 and my opinion has only been reinforced by consecutive reports of failures of TEPCO’s disaster mitigation strategy.
Best regards,
 Dear Mycle,
Natural disasters surpassing prevision and imagination are  increasingly happening
Your short comment on the attached information will be most valuable.
It will be disseminated widely.
I am seriously worried about powerful earthquakes and tonadoes befalling the Fukushima Daiichi that could bring about the dreaded collapse of the  Unit 2 reactor building and the adjacent exhaust emission tower.
With warmest regards, 


< 安倍晋三が9日、文在寅に五輪後の米韓合同演習実施を迫った頃、在日米軍に重大変化。お下劣仲間は何も気づかず。  |  一覧へ戻る  |  【ご案内】 『皆神塾(東京)』(2018年1月14日開催)のDVDをキャンペーン価格で好評販売中です!!・・・<本年最初の皆神塾です!! お早めにお求めください!!> >
