スキャンダルが次から次に暴露されている日本の現状は 「天網恢恢疎にして漏らさず」を世界に想起させている。村田先生へのメールから/新井信介 「京の風」

HOME > 新井信介 「京の風」 > スキャンダルが次から次に暴露されている日本の現状は 「天網恢恢疎にして漏らさず」を世界に想起させている。村田先生へのメールから

スキャンダルが次から次に暴露されている日本の現状は 「天網恢恢疎にして漏らさず」を世界に想起させている。村田先生へのメールから







From: mitsu
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2018 9:32 PM

Dear Friends,

It is essential not to forget the crucial fact that the state of emergency promulgated after the Fukushima accident
still persists and will not be annulled hereafter for more than 100 years according to reliable experts.
Prominent experts admit that Japan is at a loss what to do to bring the consequences of the accident under control.
It is simply abnormal not to consecrate maximum efforts to this task. The Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 should be considered as out of the question. Its preparations, however, are being promoted without hesitation.

The International Olympic Committee continues to ignore legitimate requests from various quarters to reexamine the false assertion "under control", publicly condemned as a“big lie” by Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. He is now engaged in promoting a national movement against nuclear reactors, together with Former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa.

Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, in the interview article of the Japan Times of January 21,2016,pleaded for Japan’s retreat from the Tokyo Olympic Games. He has recently sent me a message in which he expressed his appreciation and expectations of women’s role in this crucial problem.

In this connection, there is a growing support for the plea to make shift the current paternal civilization based on power and domination to a maternal civilization based on harmony and solidarity.
On May 16,the House of Councilors unanimously approved a law aimed at equalizing eventually the number of male and female candidates in national elections.

Women are expected to remind the world of the very lesson of the Fukushima nuclear accident that requires the shift of priority from economy to life.

The current Japanese society, exposing one scandal after another, reminds the whole world of the well-known warning of the ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi ”The Heaven’s vengeance is slow but sure”.

Mitsuhei Murata
Former Ambassador to Switzerland

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